War Rug Name: Classic Red Rug
War Rug Age: 1990's
War Rug Width (decimal feet: 1 in.=.08 ft.): 3.42
War Rug Length (decimal feet: 1 in.=.08 ft.): 5.25
Knots per Inch - Horizontal: 6
Knots per Inch - Vertical: 6
Price (US$): 1250
Warp Depression: Almost full warp depression. With 6x6 knot count the pile threads are very thick guage. Warp depression gives a thick sturdy foundation
Country of Origin (estimated): Pakistan
War Rug Style: Red Rugs, a war rug classic.
War Rug Ethnic Origin: Turkman
General Description: This is an idiosyncratic Red War Rug. The text looks distinctly backwards, as opposed to the usual indecipherable text blocks. The arrangement of the helicopters and tanks creates an all-over feel that works well. How the images are colored with random shifts inside a number and as decoration is interesting and works well. The bullet border is unusual in that the bullets are not outlined with contrasting color.
This rug is in new condition. Red Rugs were woven in Pakistan during the 1990s until the international community forced the Taliban out of Afghanistan in 2001. The weavers of these rugs were Afghan refugees who returned to Afghanistan after the fall of the Taliban. The Red rugs currently available have been sitting in warehouses since they were woven in the 1990's so their condition is excellent and like new.

Description of wool: Very good wool. It is thick and dense.
Sheen of Wool: Good
Handle: This is a super sturdy rug with a strong, stiff handle.
Selvedge: Dark blue one cord overcast.
Fringe: Very short tea washed cotton kilim, overhand knots, short fringe.
Pile Material: 5mm
Weft Material: White cotton
Warp Material: Two shoots, one dark blue wool, one felt-like grey wool.

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